Easy Tofu Scramble Breakfast Sandwich

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Veganes Frühstücks-Sandwich mit Rührtofu
Ein einfaches & veganes Rezept für herzhafte Frühstücks-Sandwiches mit Rührtofu. Schnell gemacht, gesund, lecker und auch perfekt geeignet für Brunch & ein schnelles Mittagessen. Lecker! 💚
2 Sandwiches
Prep Time
10 mins
Cook Time
10 mins
Total Time
20 mins
Course Tags: Brunch, Frühstück
Tags: einfach, Gemüse, Kurkuma, plant-based, tofu, vegan
Für den Rührtofu:
  • 200 g Tofu, abgespült
  • 1 EL Olivenöl
  • 1 Zwiebel, gewürfelt
  • 1/2 TL Kurkuma
  • 1/2 TL Knoblauchpulver
  • 1/2 TL Kala Namak Salz*
  • 7 Kirschtomaten, gewürfelt
  • 3 Stängel frische glatte Petersilie, grob gehackt
  • 2 Vollkornbrötchen
  • 4 EL Hummus**
  • 2 Salatblätter
  • 1/2 kleine rote Paprikaschote, in Ringe geschnitten
Für den Rührtofu:
  1. Leg den Tofu zwischen zwei gefaltete Küchentücher und press mit der flachen Hand für ca. 10 Sekunden soviel Flüssigkeit wie möglich heraus (ohne den Tofu zu zerquetschen).

    Zerbrösel den Tofu in kleine Stücke und stell ihn beiseite.

  2. Erhitz das Olivenöl in einer großen beschichteten Pfanne und gib die Zwiebelwürfel hinein. Rühr sie für einige Minuten, bis sie glasig werden.

  3. Gib als nächstes den Tofu in die Pfanne und brat ihn bei mittlerer Hitze für ca. 5 Minuten an. Rühr dabei ab und zu um, damit nichts anbrennt.

  4. Wenn der Tofu beginnt Farbe zu bekommen, würze alles mit Kurkuma, Knoblauch & Kala Namak und lass den Tofu noch 2 Minuten weiter brutzeln.

  5. Füg jetzt die Tomatenwürfel hinzu und schalte den Herd aus. Lass die Pfanne aber noch auf der Platte stehen.

  6. Währen der Tofu brät, kannst du die Brötchen vorbereiten. Schneid sie in der Mitte auf und bestreich beide Seiten mit jeweils einem Esslöffel Hummus.
    Gib auf die untere Brötchenhälften je ein Salatblatt und leg je 3-4 Paprikaringe auf die obere Brötchenhälften.

  7. Ist der Tofu fertig, streust du noch die gehackte Petersilie darüber und rührst ein letztes Mal um. Jetzt verteilst du den Rührtofu großzügig auf den beiden unteren Brötchenhälften. Leg die Oberseiten vorsichtig oben drauf und fertig sind deine Frühstücks-Sandwiches. Guten Appetit!


*Kala Namak¹ ist ein indisches Rauchsalz, dass mit seinem schwefeligen Aroma an Eierspeisen erinnert. Deshalb wird es in der veganen Küche gern verwendet, um den Geschmack von gekochten Eiern zu imitieren.

**Nimm einfach deinen Lieblings-Hummus oder probier mal mein Rezept für Knoblauch-Zimt-Hummus mit Kidneybohnen aus.
Wann immer möglich, verwende ich Produkte in Bio-Qualität. Das ist nicht nur viel besser für die Gesundheit, sondern auch für die Umwelt. 🌍💫💚

¹Als Amazon-Partner verdiene ich an qualifizierten Verkäufen. Ich empfehle Produkte ausschließlich dann, wenn ich sie selbst nutze oder kenne und von ihnen wirklich überzeugt bin.

Today, you are served a savoury homemade breakfast here on my little blog.
Actually, it’s a big vegan breakfast sandwich with spicy tofu scramble, creamy hummus & crunchy veggies.
The recipe is quick & easy and whipped up in no time. And it’s also makes for a delicious brunch idea. Just saying.
So what are you waiting for? 🙂

You have more of a sweet tooth when it comes to breakfast? Don’t worry, I got you covered, my friend!
How about some creamy Vanilla Porridge with Chia Berry Compote?
Or try my Fluffy Vegan Pancakes. You will love them. 🥞Big promise!

For all you others, I have prepared this deliciously hearty sandwich.
By the way, March is the official breakfast month on the Bliss Blog. You’ll find sweet things,  savoury things, sometimes warm and even cold breakfast ideas without any cooking involved.
One thing they’ve all got in common. All of my breakfast recipes are healthy & tasty soul-food. 💚
Because a healthy start to the day will give you energy and make you happy.
So, will you come with me to new breakfast adventures? 😊


Ingredients for easy Tofu Scramble Breakfast Sandwich

This is really a quite simple recipe. It’s quick and you only need a few ingredients. And apart from the Kala Namak salt¹, you’ll probably already have everything at home. By the way, Kala Namak is an Indian smoked salt. It has a pretty intense smell, but don’t let that put you off. Used in moderation, it conjures up the taste of boiled egg in your dishes. Thus it’s a regular in the vegan kitchen.
And since tofu scramble is the vegan version of the good old scrambled eggs, you shouldn’t miss out on the Indian spice for this recipe. Incidentally, it’s also called Smoke Salt or Black Salt. And as you only need ever need small pinches, it will last you forever.

Anyways, what else do you need for your delicious breakfast sandwich?
How about some bread? I prefer fresh whole-grain bread rolls. And of course hummus should not be missed either.
A sandwich without any hummus?? No way! 🙂
If you’re short on time, just get your favorite store-bought variety.
Otherwise you could give my Garlicky Kidney Cinnamon Hummus a try. Especially if you’re a garlic fan.
Fresh salad and crunchy peppers provide color and a few extra vitamins.

So what’s still missing? The tofu of course. When buying, please, please (as always with soy products) make sure that it’s organic quality. Only then you can be sure that the soybeans are non-GMO.
At the veggies front there’s onion, cherry tomatoes, red peppers & fresh parsley.
And the whole thing is seasoned with garlic, Kala Namak, pepper & turmeric.
The turmeric not only provides the tofu scramble with its warm, yellow color. Additionally, the colorful spice also makes it super healthy. As a devoted reader, you already know this, of course. I gathered some infos about turmeric and shared them with the recipe for my Turmeric Grissini. For all you others, here comes that little piece of knowledge about the wonderspice one more time. 💛

What makes turmeric so healthy

Turmeric contains the active substance curcumin. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, is antioxidant, reduces the risk of brain and heart diseases and can even protect against cancer. Combined with black pepper, a multiple of curcumin enters the bloodstream and the positive effect is naturally enhanced.
Conveniently, most Indian curry mixes contain turmeric and black pepper.
So don’t hesitate to spice your dishes with a pinch of curry more often. 🙂
If you want to learn more about turmeric and its positive effects on your health, then take a look at Michael Greger’s Nutritionfacts.org.


How to make Easy Tofu Scramble Breakfast Sandwich

First, squeeze the liquid out of your tofu. This is important so that your tofu scramble won’t become a mushy mass.
Everyone seems to do this with a heavy object like a frying pan or cans. And for at least half an hour or so.
I have to admit, I’m too impatient for that. 😅
And with my much faster and less complicated method, the result is just as good. 🙂

So, take the tofu and rinse it briefly under running water. Then you lay two paper towels over each other and fold them in the middle once, so that a strip is created. Lay the tofu on one side of the strip and fold the other half over the tofu.
Now press! Simply with the palm of your hand. Press as much as you can for about 10 seconds. The kitchen paper should then be completely soaked with the excess liquid. Crumble the ‘drained’ tofu and set aside.

Next, fry the diced onion with a dash of olive oil in a large non-stick pan.
Add the tofu and fry for about 5 minutes until it begins to get color. Now sprinkle the spices over it, stir well and let it fry for a couple more minutes. At the end, add the tomatoes and the chopped parsley to the pan. That’s it.

For the sandwich, you simply cut up the bread roll, spread it with hummus and fill it with salad and peppers. For the grand finale, you generously distribute the hot tofu scramble on the lower half of the bread roll and gently top it with the other half. Voilà!

There you have your wonderfully fragrant, perfectly crunchy breakfast sandwich.
Waiting for you to take the first bite.
Come on, best take it with both hands.
Yes, for a real sandwich you simply need both of your hands.
And then you tuck into it with pleasure.
Don’t let a couple of tumbling tofu crumbs bother you. In the end, those also will find the way into your stomach. 😉

If you like things a little bit spicier, just sprinkle some dried chili flakes over the tofu scramble.
A few drops of Tabasco could also work miracles. 🌶

However, I wish you a delicious start into your day. There’s nothing like a fresh homemade breakfast sandwich, is there?
Enjoy your sandwich! xo, Romy

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I absolutely love to hear from you.
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Easy Tofu Scramble Breakfast Sandwich
This easy vegan Tofu Scramble Breakfast Sandwich is the perfect savoury breakfast or brunch idea. It's a quick recipe that's healthy and full of flavor. You'll love it 💚
2 sandwiches
Prep Time
10 mins
Cook Time
10 mins
Total Time
20 mins
Course Tags: Breakfast, Brunch, Lunch
Tags: black salt, dairy-free, easy, plant-based, sandwich, tofu, turmeric, vegan, veggies
For the tofu crumble:
  • 7 oz | 200 g firm tofu
  • 1 Tbsp olive oil
  • 1 onion, diced
  • 1/2 tsp turmeric
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 1/2 tsp Kala Namak*
  • 7 cherry tomatoes, diced
  • 3 stalks fresh parsley, roughly chopped
  • 2 whole-grain bread rolls
  • 4 Tbsp hummus**
  • 2 lettuce leaves
  • 1/2 small red pepper, sliced
For the tofu crumble:
  1. Place the tofu between two folded kitchen towels and use your flat hand to squeeze out as much liquid as possible for about 10 seconds (without crushing the tofu).

    Crumble the tofu into small pieces and set aside.

  2. Heat the olive oil in a large non-stick pan and add the diced onion. Stir for a couple of minutes until it turns translucent.

  3. Next, add the tofu to the pan and fry over medium heat for about 5 minutes. Stir from time to time to avoid burning.

  4. When the tofu starts to color, season with turmeric, garlic & Kala Namak and let the tofu sizzle for another 2 minutes.

  5. Now add the tomato cubes and turn off the stove. Let the pan still stand on the heat.

  6. While the tofu is frying, you can prepare the bread rolls. Cut them in half and spread one tablespoon of hummus to both sides.

    Put one lettuce leaf on each of the lower buns and place 3-4 pepper rings on each of the upper buns.

  7. When the tofu crumble is ready, sprinkle the chopped parsley over it and stir one last time. Now you dish out the tofu crumble generously on the two lower bun halves. Carefully put the bread roll tops on top and your breakfast sandwiches are ready to be devoured. Enjoy!


*Kala Namak¹ is an Indian smoked salt whose sulphurous aroma reminds of egg dishes. That is why it's often used in vegan cooking to mimic the taste of boiled eggs.

**Just take your favorite hummus or try my recipe for Garlicky Kidney Cinnamon Hummus.
I always choose organic produce whenever possible. It’s not only better for my health (and yours, too), but also for our environment. 🌍💫💚

¹As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Please note that I only recommend products that I personally use and love and I always have my readers’ (that’s you 🙂) best interest at heart.

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tanyaa Wednesday July 31st, 2019 - 11:18 AM
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