Vegan Almond Moon Cookies

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Vegane Mandelkipferl
Kleine perfekte Kipferl, die wunderbar mandelig schmecken & nicht zu süß sind. Mit Ahornsirup gesüßt & nur 9 Zutaten. Wer mag dekoriert sie mit dunkler Schokolade für noch mehr Genuss. 
60 Kipferl
Prep Time
25 mins
Cook Time
10 mins
1 hr
Total Time
35 mins
Course Tags: Gebäck, Plätzchen, Snack, Süßes
Tags: Mandeln, natürlich gesüßt, plant-based, vegan, vegetarisch
Trockene Zutaten:
  • 200 g Weizenmehl 550er*
  • 100 g gemahlene Mandeln
  • 1 gestr. TL Backpulver
  • 1/2 TL gemahlene Vanille
Feuchte Zutaten:
  • 1 'Flaxegg', (1 EL Leinsamen + 3 EL Wasser)
  • 120 g Margarine, in Stücke geschnitten, (z.B. Alsan bio)
  • 100 g Ahornsirup
  • 2 EL Mandelmus
  • 6 Tropfen Bittermandelaroma (optional)
Außerdem zur Deko (optional):
  • 40 g dunkle vegane Schokolade
  • 1/2 TL natives Kokosöl
  1. Zuerst bereitest du das Flaxegg zu. Dafür mahlst du den Leinsamen in einer Kaffeemühle (du kannst auch bereits gemahlenen Leinsamen kaufen) und gibst gibst das Pulver mit 3 EL Wasser in eine Tasse, rührst gut um und lässt die Mischung für 5 Minuten stehen.

  2. Währendessen einfach alle trockenen Zutaten in einer Backschüssel gut vermischen.

  3. Alle feuchten Zutaten und das Flaxegg in die Mehlmischung geben und alles zu einem relativ feuchten Teig verkneten.

    Dann den Teig abgedeckt für 1 Stunde in den Kühlschrank stellen.

  4. Den Ofen auf 175°C Ober-|Unterhitze vorheizen.

    Zwei Backbleche mit Backpapier auslegen.

  5. Nach der Kühlzeit den Teig dritteln und nacheinander jedes Drittel auf einer bemehlten Fläche zu einer 2-fingerbreiten Wurst ausrollen. Mit einem Messer jede Wurst in ca. 20 1-fingerbreite Stücke schneiden und aus den Stücken die Kipferl formen. Dafür jedes Stück ein paar Mal zwischen den (bemehlten) Handflächen hin und her rollen und die dünnen Enden für die typische Kipferlform umbiegen.

  6. Die ersten 30 Kipferl auf das vorbereitete Backblech legen und für 10 Minuten in den Ofen schieben.

  7. Während die Kipferl backen, den restlichen Teig verarbeiten und dann noch das 2. Blech für 10 Minuten backen.

  8. Die Kipferl auf den Backblechen abkühlen lassen und dann schmecken lassen.

Für die Schokoladen-Verzierung (optional):
  1. Während die Kipferl abkühlen, einfach die in Stücke gebrochene Schokolade in einer Porzellanschüssel für ca. 5 Minuten in den noch heißen (aber schon ausgeschalteten!) Ofen stellen.

  2. Ist die Schokoladen geschmolzen, das Kokosöl unterrühren (dadurch lässt sich die Schokolade noch leichter verteilen) und mit einem Teelöffel mit schnellen Hin- & Herbewegungen über den Kipferln verteilen (am besten noch auf dem Backblech).

  3. Die Kipferl jetzt für mindestens 1 Stunde an einen kühlen Ort (ich nehme immer das Schlafzimmer) stellen, bis die Schokolade fest geworden ist.

*Du kannst auch Dinkelmehl verwenden, oder die Hälfte des Mehls durch Vollkornmehl ersetzen.
Wann immer möglich, verwende ich Produkte in Bio-Qualität. Das ist nicht nur viel besser für die Gesundheit, sondern auch für die Umwelt. 🌍💫💚

Welcome to the second round of the Christmas cookie bakery here on the blog. 🌟 Today, we have vegan Almond Moon Cookies (aka Kipferl), completely processed sugar-free, but sweetened with delicious maple syrup.

Yes, that’s possible indeed. Normally Christmas cookies often use icing sugar for sweetening, but you can often replace it with maple syrup 1: 1. And so the little cookies have also become a bit healthier. 🙂

Little by little my home ist getting into the Christmas mood. My husband finally got our Christmas tree this week. 🎄 Now it stands beautifully decorated in the living room, all glittering, glowing & sparkling. Our little son can look at it for hours. It’s so sweet to see all his wide-eyed wonder & marveling. 😍

Our windows are decorated with wintery (re-useable – I actually still got them from my childhood) stickers. Because if there is no snow outside, we simply stick the snowflakes and snowmen at our windows. ❄️⛄️ Every evening loads of candles are burning and turning everything in this beautiful golden light. In short, it has become pretty cuddly & cozy in the Bliss house. 💛

However you like to decorate your home, there’s definitely one thing that must not be missed for the perfect Christmas feeling. What I’m talking about?

Homemade Christmas cookies, of course. 🍪✨🍪

Last week, I already introduced you to my beloved Ayurvedic Chai Cookies and today you’ll learn all about delicious Almond Moon Cookies. Incidentally, if you’re more of a gingerbread fan, why not try my Amazing Gingerbread Cake with Chocolate Ganache?

Anyways, back to the Almond Moon Cookies. They are simply the perfect treat for those of you who don’t just want their cookies to be too sweet. The maple syrup gives them a pleasant sweetness, but does not hide all the other flavours. Above all, the almond flavour comes through beautifully and that’s how it should be with Almond Moon Cookies, right? 😉

If you are a chocolate lover, I recommend you decorate your cookies with a little melted dark chocolate. This simple trick  makes them quite irresistible and highlights the almond aroma. If you are more of a purist, just leave your cookies naked, or maybe you want to sprinkle a small pinch of icing sugar on top.

I deliberately did without it this year, because I don’t want our little one to eat too much processed sugar. And of course I baked the cookies for him as well. 😌

Now lets rolls up our sleeves and start baking some lovely Almond Moon Cookies. After all, the 3. Advent is already around the corner and my cookie plates must be stocked up. Yours too? If you want to feed many hungry cookie fans, it’s best to bake twice the amount of Almond Moon Cookies, though. Otherwise there won’t be any left for you in the end (this may or may not have happened to me 😅).

Enjoy your Almond Moon Cookies & see you soon! xo, Romy

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Vegan Almond Moon Cookies
Perfect little Almond Moon Cookies with a rich almond flavor but not too sweet. Sweetened with maple syrup & only 9 ingredients. Decorate them with some dark chocolate for even more indulgence.
60 cookies
Prep Time
25 mins
Cook Time
10 mins
Resting time:
1 hr
Total Time
35 mins
Course Tags: cookies, Snack, sweets
Tags: almonds, dairy-free, naturally sweetened, plant-based, vegan, vegetarian
Dry ingredients:
  • 2 cups | 200 g wheat flour*
  • 1 cup | 100 g ground almonds
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp ground vanilla
Wet ingredients:
  • 1 flax egg, (1 Tbsp flax seeds + 3 Tbsp water)
  • 4,2 oz | 120 g margarine, (e.g. Earth Balance)
  • 1/3 cup | 100 g maple syrup
  • 2 Tbsp almond butter, (100% almonds)
  • 1 tsp almond extract
Additionally for decoration (optional):
  • 1,5 oz | 40 g dark vegan chocolate
  • 1/2 tsp virgin coconut oil
  1. First you prepare the flaxegg. For this you grind the flaxseeds in a coffee grinder (you can also buy already ground flax seeds) and combine the powder with 3 Tbsp of water in a cup, stir well and put aside for 5 minutes.

  2. Meanwhile, just mix all the dry ingredients well in a baking bowl.

  3. Add all the wet ingredients and the flaxegg to the flour mixture and knead into a relatively damp dough. If the dough is too sticky add a little more flour. But you don't want it to get too dry.

    Then cover the dough and put it in the fridge for 1 hour.

  4. Preheat the oven to 175°C | 350°F.

    Lay out 2 baking trays with baking paper.

  5. After the cooling time, cut the dough in thirds and roll out one third at a time on a floured surface to a 2-finger wide sausage. Using a knife, cut each sausage into approx. 20 1-finger-wide pieces and shape the cookies out of the pieces. Roll each piece a few times between the (floured) palms of your hands and bend in the thin ends to create little moons.

  6. Place the first 30 cookies on the prepared baking sheet and put it in the oven for 10 minutes.

  7. While the cookies bake, process the remaining dough and then also bake the second sheet for 10 minutes.

  8. Let the almond moon cookies cool completely on the baking sheets and enjoy.

For the chocolate decoration (optional):
  1. While the cookies are cooling, place the chocolate (broken into small pieces) in a porcelain bowl in the still hot (but already switched off!) oven for about 5 minutes.

  2. Once the chocolate has melted, stir in the coconut oil (which makes it even easier to spread the chocolate) and spread it over your cookies. Using a teaspoon and fast back and forth movements (preferably on the baking sheet).

  3. Now place the cookies in a cool place (I always take the bedroom) for at least 1 hour, until the chocolate has become firm.

* You can also use spelt flour instead or replace half of the flour with whole wheat flour.
I always choose organic produce whenever possible. It’s not only better for my health (and yours, too), but also for our environment. 🌍💫💚

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1 comment

Renee Friday February 4th, 2022 - 05:19 PM
Hi I want to make these cookies for my niece’s baby shower. Can I grind my own almonds? If so how do I do that?

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