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Easy Chia Mirabelle Compote - vegan & naturally sweetened

Easy Chia Mirabelle Compote

A fruity-fresh compote that's naturally sweetened and really easy to make. Chia seeds make it irresistibly creamy and also perfect as a spread for breakfast rolls.

[:de]Kategorien[:en]Course Tags[:] Dessert, Side Dish
Tags Chia, gluten-free, mirabelles, naturally sweetened, plant-based, vegan
[:de]Vorbereitungszeit[:en]Prep Time[:] 10 minutes
[:de]Garzeit[:en]Cook Time[:] 5 minutes
[:de]Gesamt[:en]Total Time[:] 15 minutes
[:de]Portionen[:en]Servings[:] 4 servings


  • 500 g mirabelle plums
  • 2 Tbsp chia seeds
  • 2 Tbsp maple syrup
  • 1/4 cup apple juice
  • 1/2 tsp cardamom


  1. Halve your mirabelle plums and stone them.

  2. Put all ingredients in a pot and let it simmer over medium heat for about 5 minutes.

  3. Take it off the stove. Put your compote in a clean glass (preferably boiled) and let it cool. The binding increases even further during the cooling.

  4. Now you can enjoy your compote anytime, as a dessert or creamy-fruity spread. The compote keeps best in the fridge and should be eaten within a week.


I always choose organic produce whenever possible. Itβ€˜s not only better for my health (and yours, too), but also for our environment. πŸŒπŸ’«πŸ’š