Fruity Coconut Oat Crumble – vegan & naturally sweetened

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Fruchtiger Kokos-Hafer-Crumble - vegan & zuckerfrei
Dieser beerig-fruchtige Crumble ist einfach das perfekte Sommerdessert (oder auch süßes Abendessen) - er ist saftig, knusprig & das beste: nur natürlich mit Datteln & Ahornsirup gesüßt und glutenfrei (wenn du glutenfreie Haferflocken verwendest).
Eine gesunde Köstlichkeit für den Körper & die Seele 🍇🍒✨
5 Portionen
Prep Time
30 mins
Cook Time
30 mins
Total Time
1 hr
Course Tags: Dessert, Main Course
Tags: Beeren, crumble, Kirschen, plant-based, vegan, zuckerfrei
  • 200 g rote Johannisbeeren, ohne Stiele
  • 100 g Kirschen, entsteint & halbiert
  • 150 g Mirabellen, entsteint & halbiert
  • 1 Apfel, gewürfelt
  • 2 EL Ahornsirup
  • 1 TL gemahlene Vanille
  • Saft einer 1/2 Orange
  • 100 g Vollkorn-Haferflocken, zart
  • 50 g Vollkorn-Haferflocken, kernig
  • 50 g Kokosraspeln
  • Prise Salz
  • 14 Medjool Datteln, entsteint & grob gehackt
  • 5 + 1 EL natives Kokosöl, flüssig
  1. Heize den Ofen auf 175°C Ober-|Unterhitze vor. 

    Fette eine Auflaufform mit 1 EL Kokosöl.

  2. Gib das vorbereitete Obst in die Auflaufform und schütte den Orangensaft, den Ahornsirup und die Vanille darüber. Misch alles kurz durch.

  3. Misch die Haferflocken, die Kokosraspeln und das Salz in einer großen Schüssel zusammen. Gib die Datteln und das Kokosöl dazu und knete alles gut mit den Händen durch, bis eine streuselartige Konsistenz entsteht. 

  4. Verteile die Streusel gleichmäßig über der Obstfüllung und schieb die Auflaufform für 30 Minuten in den vorgeheizten Ofen. Die Streusel sollten am Ende leicht knusprig und schön goldbraun sein. 💛

Gut verschlossen sind eventuelle Reste im Kühlschrank ca. 3 Tage haltbar.
Wann immer möglich, verwende ich Produkte in Bio-Qualität. Das ist nicht nur viel besser für die Gesundheit, sondern auch für die Umwelt. 🌍💫💚
Die Inspiration für das Rezept kommt von Green Kitchen Stories.

 In the middle of July, we were invited to some friends wedding. It was a small, familiarly celebration, but unfortunately we could not stay that long, because our little son is getting his canines and therefore had a fever.

I packed him into bed and while he was sleeping, I wondered about our dinner situation that day. I had seen this ‘healthy’ crumble from GreenKitchenStories the other day and absolutely wanted to give it a try. And as we had plenty of fruit and berries in the fridge, I just started baking.

I adapted David and Luise’s recipe a little bit. Unfortunately, I had neither quinoa flakes nor buckwheat flakes in my pantry, I simply used wholegrain oats and desiccated coconut for my crumble.

Strawberry and rhubarb season is officially over right now (but I will definitely try that version next spring!), so I used the red currants, mirabelles and cherries I already had in my fridge. It worked out quite perfect and had a wonderful fruity tartness, which is a nice contrast to the sweet and sticky crumbles.

As the crumbles are naturally sweetened with dates and otherwise consisting of oats & coconut only, this fruity coconut oat crumble deliciousness can even be considered a wholesome, healthy & sweet dinner. And if you’ve got a little sweets nibbler at home, this will be a new favourite of his, too.

This recipe was enough for 5 servings. We ate 4 for our dinner (equally divided – husband: 2 – me: 2 😉), and the last one was saved for the next afternoon. I paired it with a cup of herbal tea and was immediately in Crumble heaven again.

But the Crumble would make a great dessert, too. With a scoop of vegan vanilla ice cream or a few spoonfuls of cool coconut yoghurt. Hmmm . . . drool-worthy 🤤

It’s a quick & simple recipe and I think it could also work great with peaches or plums, and you could always use cinnamon or cardamom instead of vanilla, too. Let your creativity run wild and try my Fruity Coconut Oat Crumble this summer. You will not regret it, big promise. ☺️

And as I like to share, here’s a spoonful for you to try 🥄 but try not lick the display! 😋


Fruity Coconut Oat Crumble - vegan & naturally sweetened
This fruity vegan crumble is everything you want from a summery dessert (or sweet dinner) - it’s juicy, crispy, gooey & the best part is: it‘s naturally sweetened and gluten-free (if using GF oats).
Healthy deliciousness that nourishes body & soul 🍇🍒✨
5 servings
Prep Time
30 mins
Cook Time
30 mins
Total Time
1 hr
Course Tags: Dessert, Main Course
Tags: berries, cherry, crumble, fruit, naturally sweetened, oats, plant-based, sugar-free, vegan
Fruit filling:
  • 200 g red currants, stalks discarded
  • 100 g cherries, halved & pitted
  • 150 g mirabelles, halved & pitted
  • 1 apple, cored & diced
  • 2 Tbsp Maple syrup
  • 1 tsp ground vanilla
  • juice of 1/2 an orange
Crumble topping:
  • 1,5 cups wholegrain oatmeal, 165 g
  • 1/2 cup desiccated coconut (unsweetened)
  • pinch of salt
  • 14 Medjool dates, pitted & chopped
  • 5 + 1 Tbsp virgin coconut oil, fluid
  1. Preheat your oven to 175°C | 350°F. 

    Grease a baking dish with 1 Tbsp coconut oil.

  2. Place the prepared fruits in the baking dish and pour over the orange juice, maple syrup, and vanilla. Mix everything together.

  3. Mix oats, desiccated coconut and salt in a large bowl. Add the dates and coconut oil and knead well with your hands until you get a crumbly consistency.

  4. Spread the crumbles evenly over the fruit filling and bake everything for 30 minutes. The crumble should be slightly crispy and golden brown at the end. 💛

You can store left-overs in an air-tight container in the fridge for up to 3 days.
I always choose organic produce whenever possible. It's not only much better for my health (and yours, too), but also for our environment. 🌍💫💚
Inspired by and adapted from Green Kitchen Stories.


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