Sweet & smoky BBQ Tofu

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Süß-rauchiger BBQ Tofu
Diese leckere rauchig-süße Marinade macht aus langweiligem Tofu den Star auf deinem Grill. Sie ist schnell gemacht und komplett ohne raffinierten Zucker oder andere Nasties. It's BBQ time!
2 Portionen
Prep Time
5 mins
Marinierzeit mindestens:
1 hr
Course Tags: Main Course, Side Dish
Tags: bbq, glutenfrei, plant-based, tofu, vegan, zuckerfrei
  • 200 g Tofu*
Für die Marinade:
  • 2 EL natives Kokosöl
  • 2 EL Tamari**
  • 1 EL Ahornsirup
  • 1 EL Tomatenmark
  • 2 TL geräuchertes Paparikapulver, (z.B. Paprika de la Vera)
  • 1 TL Knoblauchpulver
  • 1/2 TL Majoran
  • 1/2 TL Koriander
  • 1/4 TL Pfeffer
  • 1/4 TL Cayennepfeffer
  1. Pack den Tofu aus, wasch ihn kurz ab und presse ihn dann zwischen 2 Zewa Tüchern für 30 Sekunden zusammen, damit die Flüssigkeit herausläuft.

  2. Schneide den Tofu der Länge nach in 0,5 cm dicke Scheiben. Bei mir ergibt ein Tofublock genau 6 Scheiben.

  3. Mische alle Zutaten für die Marinade in einer flachen Schale zusammen. Lege die Tofuscheiben nacheinander hinein und bedecke sie gut mit der Marinade.

  4. Dein Tofu sollte jetzt für mindestens 1 Stunde im Kühlschrank marinieren. Je länger er mariniert, desto intensiver wird das Marinadearoma aufgenommen.

    Wenn du genug Zeit hast, marinier deinen Tofu am besten schon am Vortag und lass ihn über Nacht ziehen.

* Achte beim Tofu unbedingt auf Bio-Qualität. Nur dann kannst du sicher sein, dass die Sojabohnen dafür nicht genmanipuliert und pestizidverseucht sind.
**Du kannst natürlich auch normale Sojasauce verwenden, falls das Gericht nicht glutenfrei sein muss.
Wann immer möglich, verwende ich Produkte in Bio-Qualität. Das ist nicht nur viel besser für die Gesundheit, sondern auch für die Umwelt. 🌍💫💚

Has the BBQ bug bitten you already?

It definitely has with us. As we do not have a garden, our little kettle grill is used on our balcony as often as possible. 😊

Meat, fish and cheese are going nowhere near my BBQ for sure. But what are you actually putting on the grill, if you live a vegan lifestyle? Are you asked that regularly, too?

This year, my favorites for the BBQ season clearly are fresh corn on the cob (the nibbling is almost as satisfying as the sweet taste 💛), fresh mushrooms, homemade patties, feto (fermented tofu) or even marinated tofu. But vegetable skewers or sweet potato slices are always a good idea, too.

Do you want to marinate your tofu yourself? I got you covered with this recipe for homemade tofu bliss.

The marinade for the tofu is super quick and easy. And in contrast to many store bought products, it doesn’t contain any sugar, no gluten, no flavor enhancers, no palm oil. Excellent! 🙌

And it is delicious as well. The marinade has a smoky-sweet, slightly spicy aroma and easily turns boring tofu into the star of your BBQ.

And what about a fresh & fruity summer salad to go with your tofu? My sweet potato quinoa mango salad is just the perfect match to this marinated tofu. Quickly get yourself a crispy baguette at the bakery around the corner and then there is nothing left between you and an extensive vegan BBQ feast this evening. Bon Appetit!


Sweet & smoky BBQ Tofu
This delicious smoky-sweet marinade turns boring tofu into the star on the BBQ. It is quickly prepared and goes without refined sugar or any other nasties. It's BBQ time!
2 poeple
Cook Time
5 mins
Time to marinate at least
1 hr
Course Tags: Main Course, Side Dish
Tags: bbq, gluten-free, naturally sweetened, plant-based, smoky, tofu, vegan
  • 200 g tofu*
For the marinade:
  • 2 Tbsp native coconut oil
  • 2 Tbsp tamari**
  • 1 Tbsp maple syrup
  • 1 Tbsp tomatoe paste
  • 2 tsp smoked paprika
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 1/2 tsp marjoram
  • 1/2 tsp coriander
  • 1/4 tsp pepper
  • 1/4 tsp cayenne
  1. Take the tofu out of the package, rinse it briefly and then press it between 2 kitchen paper towels for about half a minute to let the liquid run out. 

  2. Cut the tofu lengthwise into 0.5 cm thick stripes. For me 1 tofu block equals 6 stripes.

  3. Mix all ingredients for the marinade in a shallow dish, then put in the tofu stripes one after the other, and cover them well with the marinade.

  4. The tofu should now marinate for at least 1 hour in the fridge. The longer it marinates, the more it absorbs the taste of the marinade.

    If you have the time, you can marinate the tofu a day in advance and leave it overnight.

*Please pay attention to buying organic quality. Only then can you be sure that the soybeans in your tofu are GMO free or free of pesticide-contamination. 
**You can also use regular soy sauce, if the dish doesn't have to be gluten-free.
I always choose organic produce whenever possible. It's not only much better for my health (and yours, too), but also for our environment. 🌍💫💚


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