Spicy Thai Noodle Soup with Veggies

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Pikante Thai-Gemüse-Nudelsuppe - vegan & glutenfrei
Leckere pikant scharfe asiatische Nudelsuppe mit viel knackigem Gemüse. Wärmend, aromatisch und voller Vitamine. Vegan & glutenfrei ist sie außerdem.
2 große Schüsseln
Prep Time
15 mins
Cook Time
15 mins
Total Time
30 mins
Course Tags: Dinner, Lunch, Main Course, Suppe
Tags: asiatisch, Gemüse, glutenfrei, Nudeln, plant-based, Thai, vegan, vegetarisch
  • 200 g Vermicelli
  • 1 EL natives Kokosöl
  • 1 Zwiebel, in dünne Scheiben geschnitten
  • 2 TL rote Currypaste*
  • 300 ml Kokosmilch (aus der Dose)
  • 200 ml Wasser
  • 200 g Champignons, geviertelt
  • 1 rote Spitzpaprika, in Streifen geschnitten
  • 1 kleine Zucchini, geviertelt & in Streifen
  • 2 EL Tamari (oder Sojasauce)
  • 1 EL Kokosblütenzucker
  • 1 TL liebliches Currypulver**
  • 1 Prise Knoblauchpulver
  • 1 EL geröstete Erdnüsse, gehackt
  • frischen Koriander, gehackt
  • frische Chili, in Ringe geschnitten
  1. Die Vermicelli mit kochendem Wasser übergießen und 5 Minuten ziehen lassen. Abgießen, mit kaltem Wasser abspülen und in eine Schüssel geben und abgedeckt beiseite stellen.

  2. Während die Vermicelli ziehen, das Kokosöl in einem Topf bei mittlerer Hitze erhitzen, die Zwiebel und die Currypaste hineingeben und alles einige Minuten anbraten, bis die Zwiebeln weich werden und die Currypaste zu duften beginnt.

  3. Mit Kokosmilch und Wasser ablöschen, die Champignons und Gewürze dazugeben und alles 5 Minuten köcheln lassen.

  4. Jetzt Paprika und Zucchini dazu und nochmal 5 Minuten leicht weiterköcheln. Abschmecken und fertig!

  5. Die Vermicelli auf 2 Schüsseln verteilen und die Gemüsesuppe darüber geben. Mit gehackten Erdnüssen, frischem Koriander & frischer Chili garnieren.

  6. Falls dir die Portionen zu groß sind, schmeckt die Suppe auch am nächsten Tag aufgewärmt wirklich wunderbar. 🙂

*Meine Currypaste ist ziemlich scharf und ergiebig. Je nach Paste kann die benötigte Menge variieren. Achte außerdem darauf, das nur Gewürze & Kräuter enthalten sind und keine unnötigen Zusätze wie Zucker, Farbstoffe oder ähnliches.
**Ich verwende Gärten von Siam Curry¹ von Herbaria. Es ist ein tolle Currymischung, die ich auch sehr gern für meine Kürbissuppen verwende. 🙂
Wann immer möglich, verwende ich Produkte in Bio-Qualität. Das ist nicht nur viel besser für die Gesundheit, sondern auch für die Umwelt. 🌍💫💚

¹Als Amazon-Partner verdiene ich an qualifizierten Verkäufen. Ich empfehle Produkte ausschließlich dann, wenn ich sie selbst nutze oder kenne und von ihnen wirklich überzeugt bin.

Today, I have something for all you soup lovers here at the Bliss Blog: spicy Thai Noodle Soup with Veggies. Wanna have a fragrant, steaming bowl of noodly soup goodness? 🍜

Oh my Gosh . . . it’s so stormy outside these days. And instead of big fluffy snowflakes only raindrops are falling on my head . . . (wanna sing with me? 😓) That is, if I can make up my mind to leave my comfortably warm (and above all dry!) ​​apartment. However, this is actually the case almost everyday. My 2-year old bundle of toddler energy needs some fresh air and running around after all. 🤷 And getting out regularly doesn’t hurt me either, by the way.

But when we get home finally, apart from being a little frozen, my desire for a delicious hot soup is almost gigantic. So that’s the time to look in the fridge, if there is some left-over soup in there. 🙂 Yesterday’s warmed-up soup is, in my opinion, even tastier than freshly cooked. Do you feel me?

No soup left? Never mind! We’ll just whip up a fresh one quickly. Thai noodle soup with veggies it is. Because it’s delicious. It’s prepared quickly. And it is even freaking healthy. Not surprising with all those vegetables inside. And of course, I only add natural & whole ingredients to my soup. No flavor enhancers or other nonsense, which is unfortunately often standard in convenience products.

Do you occasionally buy these small Asian noodle packages with the enclosed spice mixture, too? I must confess . . . that’s something I did on the regular in my student days. 🙈 I was almost addicted to the stuff. And today I know why. The small packages are crammed with glutamates (flavor enhancers) & other chemistry. So creepy 🤢 But I’m definitely done with this junk!

Instead, these days my soups are filled with lots of fresh veggies, coconut milk and a variety of spices. Sometimes I even add some fruits, like here for my Sweet Potato & Pear Soup. But today I’ll leave the fruit and just stick to fresh vegetables. Zucchini & red peppers to be exact. In addition, mushrooms, onion & garlic get in my Thai noodle soup. Red curry paste provides for spicyness (or fiery hotness, if you take more) and coconut milk gives it all the wonderful tropically sweet flavor. Yum . . .  the very thought of it makes me start dreaming right away. 💛🌴🥥

For the noodles I prefer to use vermicelli. They are glass noodles made from mung beans. You can find them in an Asia shop or in your supermarket in the Asian food aisle. They have a nice ‘al dente’ consistency and don’t get as soggy and mushy as other noodles do. In addition, they are gluten-free. Of course, you can also just take your favorite soup noodles.

So let’s start chopping, right? For all you keen veggie choppers, there will be a deliciously fragrant, steaming & above all warming reward. Thai noodle soup with veggies in only half an hour. And of course lots of soup love. 💚
Enjoy & happy soup slurping!  🍜 xo, Romy

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Spicy Thai Noodle Soup with Veggies – vegan & gluten-free
Deliciously spicy Thai Noodle Soup with lots of fresh veggies & coconut milk. Warming, aromatic & full of vitamins. Vegan & gluten-free as well.
2 big bowls
Prep Time
15 mins
Cook Time
15 mins
Total Time
30 mins
Course Tags: Dinner, Lunch, Main Course, Soup
Tags: asian, dairy-free, gluten-free, noodles, plant-based, Thai, vegan, veggies
  • 7 oz | 200 g vermicelli noodles
  • 1 Tbsp virgin coconut oil
  • 1 onion, thinly sliced
  • 2 tsp red curry paste*
  • 1 1/4 cup | 300 ml coconut milk (from a can)
  • 3/4 cup | 200 ml water
  • 7 oz | 200 g mushrooms, quartered
  • 1 red pepper, sliced
  • 1 small zucchini, quartered & sliced
  • 2 Tbsp Tamari (or soysauce, if tolerating gluten)
  • 1 Tbsp coconut blossom sugar
  • 1 tsp sweet curry powder
  • 1 pinch of garlic powder
  • 1 Tbsp roasted peanuts, chopped
  • fresh coriander or parsley, chopped
  • fresh chili, thinly sliced
  1. Put the vermicelli in a pot and cover them with boiling water. Leave for 5 minutes. Drain, rinse with cold water, place in a bowl and set aside.

  2. While the vermicelli are simmering, heat the coconut oil in a saucepan over medium heat, add the onion and curry paste and sauté for a few minutes, until the onions soften and the curry paste starts to get fragrant.

  3. Pour in the coconut milk and water, add the mushrooms & spices and let cook for 5 minutes.

  4. Add paprika & zucchini and simmer for another 5 minutes. Give it a taste, adjust seasoning, if necessary and you're done!

  5. Divide the vermicelli into 2 bowls and add your curry soup. Garnish with chopped roasted peanuts, fresh coriander & fresh chili.

  6. If the servings are too big, you can easily warm up the left over soup the next day. 🙂

*My curry paste is pretty hot and rich. Depending on the paste, the required amount may vary. Also make sure that only spices & herbs are included and no unnecessary additives such as sugar, coloring or glutamate.
I always choose organic produce whenever possible. It’s not only better for my health (and yours, too), but also for our environment. 🌍💫💚

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Spicy Noodles with Crispy Tofu • The Cook Report Monday January 21st, 2019 - 11:30 PM
[…] Spicy Thai Noodle Soup with Veggies […]

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