The best Pumpkin Veggie Burger

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Perfekte Kürbis-Veggie-Burger
Herbstliche Kürbis-Veggie-Burger, die jeden Burger-Fan überzeugen. Wunderbar pikant mit einer orientalischen Note. Das ist Kürbis mal ganz anders. 🎃
6 Patties
Prep Time
25 mins
Cook Time
10 mins
Total Time
35 mins
Course Tags: Dinner, Lunch, Main Course
Cuisine Tags: American
Tags: burger, dairy-free, Kürbis, plant-based, vegan, Veggie
  • 1/2 Hokkaido Kürbis, entkernt & grob gewürfelt
  • 1 EL Olivenöl oder Kokosöl
  • 1 Zwiebel, gewürfelt
  • 240 g Cannellini-Bohnen aus der Dose, abgespült
  • 3 EL Sojasauce
  • 2 EL Haferflocken
  • 2 EL Leinsamen, geschrotet
  • 4 EL Kichererbsenmehl*
  • 1 TL Guarkernmehl (optional)**
  • 1 1/2 TL Ras el Hanout
  • 1 TL scharfes Paprikapulver***
  • 1/2 TL Koriander
  1. Den Kürbis in einem Topf mit Wasser für ca. 10 Minuten kochen, bis er weich ist. Dann abschütten und zur Seite stellen.

  2. Während der Kürbis kocht, das Öl in einer Pfanne erhitzen und die Zwiebelwürfel darin goldbraun anbraten. Je dunkler du die Zwiebeln anbrätst, desto mehr Röstaromen hast du später in deinen Burgerpatties.

  3. Die Cannellini-Bohnen in einer Schüssel mit einer Gabel zerdrücken.

    Die gekochten Kürbiswürfel dazu geben und ebenfalls zerdrücken.

  4. Jetzt alle restlichen Zutaten mit in die Schüssel geben und gut vermischen. 

    Kurz abschmecken und ggf. noch nachwürzen.

  5. Mit den Händen 6 große (oder 8 kleinere) Patties formen. Ich nehme dafür immer Einweghandschuhe, da der Teig relativ nass ist und sonst ziemlich an den Händen klebt. 

  6. Die Patties in einer Pfanne mit etwas Öl bei mittlerer Hitze von jeder Seite ca 5 Minuten goldbraun anbraten.

  7. Jetzt kannst du deinen Burger zusammenbauen:









    Und reinbeißen 🍔

*Hier kannst du auch Maisstärke oder Semmelbrösel verwenden.
**Sorgt für eine bessere Bindung bei den Patties.
***Oder edelsüßes Paprikapulver, falls du es nicht so scharf magst.
Wann immer möglich, verwende ich Produkte in Bio-Qualität. Das ist nicht nur viel besser für die Gesundheit, sondern auch für die Umwelt. 🌍💫💚

Just look at this Pumpkin Veggie Burger! … this is simply fall in burger form. Doesn’t it cry out for you to take a huge bite? But let’s start from the beginning …

Can you still remember your first veggie burger? I think I ate mine in a small vegetarian bistro. I found it ultra delicious at the time. Even better than the ‘normal’ beef burgers I’d always eaten till then. When paying, I asked the waitress for the ingredients of the burger pattie. Carrots, leeks, lentils & potatoes was her answer.

At that time, I couldn’t really imagine how these simple ingredients can make such a delicious burger. So I researched a bit online and quickly found what I was looking for. Meanwhile, I even have a whole Pinterest Board just for veggie burgers 🍔

Of course once at home, I wanted to whip up my own homemade veggie burger from scratch. Although my then boyfriend (aka Mr. When-there’s-no-meat-on-the-plate-it-doesn’t-count-for-food) called the whole thing a rather unnecessary endeavor. That’s just one of the reasons why I’m not married to him now. 😜

I discovered my first home-made veggie-burger recipe on How sweet eats from the lovely Jessica. It has now become something of a classic at our home, because I still enjoy making sweet potato burgers on a regular basis. Although in a addapted form, without the egg, but delicious just the same. 💚

Why am I telling you this? Because today I’m sharing with you my perfect Pumpkin Veggie Burger recipe. And since a bit of history doesn’t hurt, now you know how my love for veggie burgers arose. Fine? Fine! So let’s go.

These autumnal little burgers are vegan and made with Hokkaido pumpkin. Although I have to confess that right now I’m sitting in a T-shirt and barefoot on my sunny balcony eating strawberries, while I’m writing this. It feels more like May & spring, instead of October & autumn.

But anyways. You can always eat crispy, juicy veggie burgers, right? For me, this is definitely the perfect autumn burger. Not only because the pattie is made with pumpkin, but also because the whole burger is so colorful. As I have creatively combined the pumpkin pattie with my Homemade Pink Burger Buns. And the two are really a dream team, if I may say so myself.

Hmmm … I want to take a bite right NOW. Don’t you? 🤤

This time I went for the classic burger combo: salad, guacamole, cucumber, tomato & ketchup. But the burger would certainly be just as delicious with roasted onions, jalapeños & vegan mayo. Now get creative and create a pumpkin burger to your taste.

If you try my recipe, tell me how you like it in the comments. I’m always happy to hear from you, guys. Have fun cooking and enjoy your burger. xo, Romy 💚


The best Pumpkin Veggie Burger
Vegan Pumpkin Veggie Burgers that will satisfy every burger fan. Wonderfully spicy with an oriental touch. This is pumpkin with a twist. 🎃
6 patties
Prep Time
25 mins
Cook Time
10 mins
Total Time
35 mins
Course Tags: Dinner, Lunch, Main Course
Cuisine Tags: American
Tags: burger, dairy-free, plant-based, pumpkin, vegan, vegetarian
  • 1/2 Hokkaido pumpkin|squash, deseeded & roughly chopped
  • 1 Tbsp coconut or olive oil
  • 1 onion, diced
  • 240 g cannellini beans from a can, rinsed
  • 3 Tbsp soy sauce
  • 2 Tbsp oats
  • 2 Tbsp ground flax seeds
  • 4 Tbsp chickpea flour*
  • 1 tsp guar gum (optional)**
  • 1 1/2 tsp Ras el Hanout
  • 1 tsp hot paprika***
  • 1/2 tsp coriander
  1. Boil the pumpkin in a pot of water for about 10 minutes until it is soft. Then drain and set aside.

  2. While the pumpkin is cooking, heat the oil in a pan and sauté the onion until golden brown. The darker you roast your onion, the more roasty flavour your burger patties will have.

  3. Mash the cannellini beans in a bowl with a fork.

    Add the boiled pumpkin cubes and mash as well. (It's totally ok if there are some lumps left.)

  4. Now put all remaining ingredients in the bowl and mix well.

    Taste and season if necessary.

  5. Form 6 big (or 8 smaller) patties with your hands. I always take disposable gloves for this, because the dough is relatively wet and otherwise sticks to my hands and everything gets a bit messy.

  6. Fry the patties in a pan with a little oil over medium heat from each side for about 5 minutes until golden brown.

  7. Now you can assemble your burger:

    Burger bun


    Pumpkin Pattie


    cucumber slices

    tomato slices


    burger bun

    Take a big bite and enjoy! 🍔

* You can also use cornstarch or breadcrumbs here.
** It gives the patties a better binding.
*** Or sweet paprika, if you do not like it too spicy.
I always choose organic produce whenever possible. It’s not only better for my health (and yours, too), but also for our environment. 🌍💫💚

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