Homemade Pink Burger Buns with Chia

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Pinke Burgerbrötchen mit Chia
Fluffig weiche Burgerbrötchen, die nicht bröseln und die jeden Burger perfekt machen. Rote-Bete-Saft macht die Brötchen pink und auch ein bisschen gesünder. Einfach die perfekten Burger Buns 💕
12 Brötchen
Prep Time
15 mins
Cook Time
12 mins
1 hr
Total Time
1 hr 27 mins
Course Tags: Main Course
Cuisine Tags: American
Tags: Chia, plant-based, Rote Bete, vegan
  • 500 g Mehl*
  • 1 EL Chia
  • 1 TL Meersalz
  • 1 TL Guarkernmehl (optional)**
  • 220 ml Rote-Bete-Saft
  • 1 TL Rohrohrzucker
  • 1 Würfel frische Hefe, zerbröselt, ca. 42 g
  • 3 EL Soja-Kokos-Joghurt***, z.B. von Provamel
  • 1 EL Olivenöl
  1. Ofen auf 180°C Ober-|Unterhitze vorheizen.

  2. Mehl, Chia, Salz & Guarkernmehl in einer großen Schüssel vermischen.

  3. Den Rote-Bete-Saft in einem Topf leicht erwärmen. WICHTIG: der Saft darf wirklich nur lauwarm sein (idealerweise 35-38°C), sonst stirbt die Hefe und deine Brötchen werden steinhart. 

    Wenn du unsicher bist, einfach mit einem Löffel am Handgelenk testen. Wenn es sich dort angenehm lauwarm anfühlt, ist es die richtige Temperatur.

  4. Den warmen Saft in eine kleine Schüssel schütten und den Zucker und die Hefe hinzufügen. Gut rühren, bis die Hefe sich aufgelöst hat. 

  5. Die Hefe-Saft-Mischung, den Joghurt und das Öl zu den trockenen Zutaten geben und alles zu einem Teig vermischen. Dann für 5 Minuten auf einer leicht bemehlten Fläche kneten, bis du einen flexiblen, leicht feuchten Hefeteig hast.

  6. 12 runde Burgerbrötchen formen und auf ein mit Backpapier ausgelegtes Backblech legen. Mit einem Geschirrtuch abdecken und für eine Stunde an einem warmen Ort gehen lassen.

  7. Nach der Gehzeit sollten die Brötchen sich sichtbar vergrößert haben. Jetzt für 12 Minuten backen.

  8. Die fertigen Brötchen auf einem Ofenrost auskühlen lassen.

Die Burgerbrötchen lassen sich wunderbar einfrieren und schmecken nach dem Auftauen genauso frisch und lecker. 
*Ich habe normales Weizenmehl verwendet. Du kannst auch einen Teil des Mehles mit Vollkornmehl ersetzen, allerdings wird die Konsistenz der Brötchen dadurch weniger fluffig.
**Das Guarkernmehl sorgt dafür, dass die Brötchen innen etwas 'feucht' bleiben und dadurch die perfekte Burgerbrötchen-Konsistenz bekommen.
***Oder anderen pflanzlichen Joghurt deiner Wahl.
Wann immer möglich, verwende ich Produkte in Bio-Qualität. Das ist nicht nur viel besser für die Gesundheit, sondern auch für die Umwelt. 🌍💫💚
I absolutely looove burgers. Veggie burgers, of course. Whether with chickpea patties, veggie patties or grilled Portobello mushrooms. You name it, I love them all. 🙂

But for burgers, not only the inner values ​​count for a change. Oh no, the outside is just as important. What I’m playing at? The burger buns, of course. They must be soft and fluffy, not too dry, while not being stuffed with unnecessary ingredients & chemicals.

And there we have the sticking point. Have you ever looked at the ingredients list of store-bought burger buns? Chances are good your burger cravings pass away immediately. And unfortunately organic burger buns aren’t really an exception. 🤷 The list of ingredients is sometimes endless and I often wonder why all that stuff needs to be in the little buns. Do you feel me?

Let’s be honest, a good burger bun only needs 6 ingredients: flour, fresh yeast, water, margarine, sugar & salt. It’s that simple. So what’s the solution to the problem? 🤔 Homemade burger buns, for sure. 🙌

I always bake 12 burger buns at once and freeze 8 of them. 1x work, 3x pleasure. After being thawed (preferably in a plastic bag or tupper box to keep them soft), the buns are as soft and fluffy as freshly from the oven.

And because I’m feeling fancy, today’s recipe is a colorful one. It’s Homemade Pink Burger Buns with Chia. 💕 They are a great splash of color on your plate, very easy to make and is healthy, too. Tripple win! You simply add beetroot juice to the dough instead of water. Vitamins and minerals are added for free.

I have replaced the margarine with a healthier alternative. Can you guess, what it is?  … * drum roll * … plant-based yogurt & olive oil. This makes no difference in taste, but compared to margarine it’s definitely the better choice (less fat & no chemicals). I also added chia seeds to the dough. Not only do they have plenty of healthy Omega-3 fatty acids, they also make sure that your burger buns are especially soft and not dry. And they make for little black dots all over your buns. Fits great to pink, no?

Just look at all that pink fluffiness!

You would rather have a different color, I hear you say? No problem, friend! Try turmeric or saffron for yellow burger buns 💛 and spirulina powder or spinach for green buns. 💚 Colors are life. 🌈

So now it’s time to roll up your sleeves & go to town kneading your dough. As a reward warm, soft, wonderfully pink burger buns are waiting for you. Of course, you can always enjoy the buns on their own, no burger patties required here (just in case there is no pattie at hand, poor soul). I totally love them with hummus or strawberry jam. 🍓

Have fun baking and enjoy! xo, Romy


Homemade Pink Burger Buns with Chia
Fluffy soft burger buns that do not crumble and make every burger perfect. Beetroot juice provides the pretty pink color and also makes the buns a little healthier. Just the perfect homemade burger buns. 💕
12 burger buns
Prep Time
15 mins
Cook Time
12 mins
Resting time
1 hr
Total Time
1 hr 27 mins
Course Tags: Dinner, Lunch, Main Course
Cuisine Tags: American
Tags: beetroot, burger, Chia, dairy-free, homemade, plant-based, vegan
  • 4 cups all purpose flour*
  • 1 Tbsp chia seeds
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • 1 tsp guar gum (optional)**
  • 1 cup beetroot juice
  • 1 tsp raw cane sugar
  • 1 cube fresh yeast, crumbled
  • 3 Tbsp soy coconut yoghurt***
  • 1 Tbsp olive oil
  1. Preheat oven to 180° C | 360° F.

  2. Mix flour, chia seeds, salt & guar gum in a large bowl.

  3. Lightly heat the beetroot juice in a pan. IMPORTANT: the juice should really only be lukewarm (ideally 35-38° C | 95-100° F), otherwise the yeast will die and your buns will turn out rock hard.

    If you are unsure, simply test with a spoon on your wrist. If it feels pleasantly lukewarm there, it's the right temperature.

  4. Pour the warm juice into a small bowl and add the sugar and yeast. Stir well until the yeast has dissolved.

  5. Add the yeast-juice mixture, the yoghurt and the oil to the dry ingredients and mix everything into a dough. Then knead for 5 minutes on a lightly floured surface until you have a flexible, slightly moist yeast dough.

  6. Form 12 round burger buns and place on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Cover with a dishcloth and leave in a warm place for 1 hour.

  7. After the resting time, the buns should have visibly enlarged. Now bake them for 12 minutes.

  8. Allow the finished buns to cool on a stove rack.

The burger buns can be easily frozen and after thawing taste just as fresh and delicious.
* I have used all purpose wheat flour. You can also replace some of the flour with wholegrain flour, but the consistency of the buns will be less fluffy then.
** The guar gum ensures that the buns stay a bit 'moist' inside and thus get the perfect burger bun consistency.
*** Or any other plant-based yoghurt of your choice.
I always choose organic produce whenever possible. It’s not only better for my health (and yours, too), but also for our environment. 🌍💫💚

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