Purple Love Smoothie

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Purple Love Smoothie
Dieser leuchtende Smoothie hat es in sich: Obst, Gemüse, Eiweiß & Omega 3 Fette - alles in einem Glas. Das perfekte schnelle Frühstück für einen guten Start in den Tag. 💜
2 große Gläser
Cook Time
5 mins
Total Time
5 mins
Course Tags: Breakfast, Drinks, Smoothie
Tags: Blaubeeren, Blumenkohl, glutenfrei, healthy, plant-based, Rote Bete, vegan
  • 1 kleine Rote Bete, geschält & gewürfelt*
  • 3-4 Röschen Blumenkohl (gefroren)
  • 2 reife Bananen, geschält
  • 1 Apfel, entkernt
  • 100 g Blaubeeren, frisch oder gefroren
  • 250 ml Pflanzenmilch (ich habe Reismilch verwendet)
  • 1 EL Kürbiskerne
  • 1 EL Chiasamen (über Nacht eingeweicht)**
  • 1 EL Hanfsamen, geschält
  1. Gib das vorbereitete Obst und Gemüse in deinen Hochleistungsmixer, gefolgt von der Pflanzenmilch und den Kernen & Samen.

  2. Deckel drauf und alles auf hoher Stufe gut durchixen, bis alles schön cremig ist. Mein Mixer hat ein spezielles "Veggie Smoothie" Programm, das läuft fast 2 Minuten auf unterschiedlichen Geschwindigkeiten.

    Ich würde also sagen, nach 2 Minuten ist dein leckerer Purple Love Smoothie fertig. Noch auf 2 Gläser verteilen und genießen. 

*Ich bereite immer mehrere Knollen vor und friere die Würfel in einer Tupperdose ein. Dann kann man die gewünschte Menge bei Bedarf ganz schnell und ohne verfärbte Finger entnehmen.
**Am besten weichst du einfach 2 EL Chiasamen in einem verschließbarem Glas im Kühlschrank über Nacht ein. Dann hast du gleich einen kleinen Vorrat für die nächsten 3-4 Tage.
Wann immer möglich, verwende ich Produkte in Bio-Qualität. Das ist nicht nur viel besser für die Gesundheit, sondern auch für die Umwelt. 🌍💫💚

What’s there to write about a smoothie? It’s fresh. It’s healthy. It contains a lot of fruit, veggies & good stuff… This is my 1. smoothie post on the blog and I’m just a little clueless. But I’ll just start anyway.

Every morning, my little son and I drink a fresh smoothie together. That’s our first thing of the day and a morning ritual, so to speak, and we really enjoy it every day. Indeed, I totally miss my smoothie when I can’t drink it for some reason (like on vacation). Mostly our smoothies are green (hello kale, lettuce, spinach & Co. 💚), but this particularly beautiful one has this bright & radiant magenta and is the perfect colorful start to your day.

The recipe was a lucky strike for real. Mostly I just throw various fruit and vegetables in my blender and usually the result is something quite delicious. But such an awesome color is seldom. Probably because I normally use my green super powders (chlorella & barley grass), but today I just skipped them. Well done, Romy!

But this smoothie isn’t only pleasing for the eye, oh no, your body & health will absolutely approve too.

Cauliflower and beetroot supply you with many minerals (including calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron & manganese). Blueberries provide plenty of vitamin C & E. Bananas contain potassium, magnesium & vitamin B6. Hemp seeds & chia are packed with precious omega 3 fatty acids. And pumpkin seeds not only saturate, but also bring iron into the smoothie (always important, but especially in a purely plant-based diet).

With a large glass of my Purple Love Smoothie you are well cared for and can start your new day full of energy. Anyways, it’s delicious too, of course. Wonderfully creamy, with a fruity sweetness (the riper your bananas, the sweeter your smoothie), and you would never guess the veggies it contains.

Give it a try soon & enjoy some Purple Love. 💜

XO, Romy

Purple Love Smoothie
This glowing smoothie has it all: fruits, vegetables, protein & omega 3 fattys - all in one glass. The perfect quick & easy breakfast for a good start to your day. 💜
2 big glasses
Cook Time
5 mins
Total Time
5 mins
Course Tags: Breakfast, Drinks, Smoothie
Tags: beetroot, blueberries, cauliflower, Chia, gluten-free, healthy, plant-based, vegan
  • 1 small beetroot, peeled & diced*
  • 3-4 florets of cauliflower, frozen
  • 2 ripe bananas, peeled
  • 1 apple, cored
  • 1 cup blueberries, fresh or frozen
  • 1 cup plant milk (I used rice milk)
  • 1 Tbsp pumpkin seeds
  • 1 Tbsp soaked chia seeds**
  • 1 Tbsp hemp hearts
  1. Add the prepared fruits and vegetables to your high-speed blender, followed by the rice milk and seeds.

  2. Cover and mix well on a high level until everything is creamy. My mixer has a special "Veggie Smoothie" program that runs for almost 2 minutes at different speeds.

    I guess that after 2 minutes your delicious Purple Love Smoothie is ready anyway. Divide into 2 glasses and enjoy.

* I always prepare several beets at once and freeze the cubes in a Tupper box. This way you can take the desired amount as needed very quickly and without discolored fingers.
** It's best to simply soak 2 Tbsp of chia seeds with 1/4 cup of water in a sealable glass in the fridge overnight. Then you have a supply for the next 3-4 days.
I always choose organic produce whenever possible. It‘s not only better for my health (and yours, too), but also for our environment. 🌍💫💚

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